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Trita Parsi, "Losing An Enemy"
Dr Trita Parsi Losing An Enemy
Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy by Trita Parsi
Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph… by Trita Parsi · Audiobook preview
Trita Parsi: "Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy"
Serge Tomassian Dr Trita Pars Q:A Losing an Enemy Obama Iran
Serge Tomassian p1 Dr Trita Parsi Losing an Enemy Obama Iran 423 47398707201 m4v
Trita Parsi: "In reality Trump is pulling out of the JCPOA (Iran nuke deal)"
Trump, Obama, Iran and the Nuclear Deal - Is war back on the table?
Instead of threats, Trump can easily defuse Iran crisis he created
Trita Parsi: Inside the Iran Agreement: The Art of the Deal
The Real Causes Behind The Iran Protests